Horizon Evolve SG Treadmill Deal

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Amazon.com offers the best space saving treadmill around!

While shopping on Amazon.com for treadmills and elliptical, I came across the new Horizon Evolve! This treadmill is a fantastic piece of equipment for apartment dwellers or those that do not have the space (or want) for a full size treadmill.

I am not telling anyone to buy this machine if you want to do any more strenuous exercise than “Mall Walk”, but if you are interested in a good slim line, walking treadmill, this is defiantly your machine!

Horizon has created a treadmill that is 10 inches high when folded up on the ground and can easily fit under a bed or vertically against a wall! But wait that’s not all! Haha! Horizon has also included a 1.5 Contious Horsepower drive motor that allows users to speed from 1 to 6 MPH.

Now, just because you have a mini machine does not mean that your walking area is miniature. It boasts a decent 17 x 45 walking area. This walking area is smaller than normal, but again this treadmill is really only for walking! The Evolve also offers a weight loss program and manual program. Another really great feature on this treadmill is the audio speakers with input from any of your audio devices and a thumb pulse heart rate monitor for a more accurate workout.

Amazon.com is offering this treadmill at $599 with free shipping and no sales tax in most states! Another fantastic feature of this treadmill is no setup! You pull it out of the box and Voila, you are ready to go!

Again, this is not a Treadmill for runners!! But walkers will be in Heaven with this machine when the weather is crummy, or wanting the convenience of working out whenever you choose. The Horizon Evolve comes with a 10 year frame warranty, 5 year on electrical & parts and a 1 year on labor.

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About Treadmill Sensei

Treadmill SenseiThe Treadmill Sensei has been in the fitness industry for several years. He is familiar with several brands of fitness equipment and has written several reviews of many different treadmills and elliptical machines. You can see what he thinks are the best treadmills or you can get help choosing a treadmill.

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About My Treadmill Reviews

TreadmillMy treadmill reviews are both subjective and objective. They are objective in the sense that I will provide you with information about each machine, such as motor, weight capacity and other features. But they are subjective in the sense that I am really giving my opinion of each treadmill. You may agree or disagree with my opinion, but my hope is that my elliptical and treadmill reviews can be helpful to you in making a decision on what to buy. Remember that each review is just what I think. You can always check out Treadmill Doctor, Treadmill Review Guru or these other treadmill reviews if you want another opinion.