Sale on the Sole F80

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Ohiyo to you all out there, and happy Wednesday! I’m bringing you some news that you might be interested in hearing. Read on if you want to find out about one steal-of-a-deal.

So the little secret I wanted to let you all in on is that the Sole F80 has been marked down extremely low! Now, I already reviewed this one(which you can read here), so I’m not going to go in to too much depth about it. You just need to know that this is one of the greatest treadmills, I would argue, in the market today. It’s got serious power, backed by serious quality. You don’t find many treadmills these days that can support up to 375 lbs. You certainly don’t see treadmills that have specs like this one, being sold for that much! The Sole F80 is down to $1,075 with this sale, which is less than half of what it used to be, and what it is worth. You will find, for the most part, that treadmills that have this kind of power, or more generally, these kind of specs will be at $2,500 or even higher.

I would even go as far as to say that this is the “deal of all deals!”. You can’t beat a treadmill deal where you get more bang for your buck. It would probably be wise to act now; because with this kind of deal, I can’t imagine it staying in stock for a very long time! You can find the Sole F80 at this link.

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About Treadmill Sensei

Treadmill SenseiThe Treadmill Sensei has been in the fitness industry for several years. He is familiar with several brands of fitness equipment and has written several reviews of many different treadmills and elliptical machines. You can see what he thinks are the best treadmills or you can get help choosing a treadmill.

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About My Treadmill Reviews

TreadmillMy treadmill reviews are both subjective and objective. They are objective in the sense that I will provide you with information about each machine, such as motor, weight capacity and other features. But they are subjective in the sense that I am really giving my opinion of each treadmill. You may agree or disagree with my opinion, but my hope is that my elliptical and treadmill reviews can be helpful to you in making a decision on what to buy. Remember that each review is just what I think. You can always check out Treadmill Doctor, Treadmill Review Guru or these other treadmill reviews if you want another opinion.