The Pros and Cons of Having a Treadmill Workout

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Today we are going to cover the idea behind this entire site: is using a treadmill worth your time? Just as with any workout routine, you don’t want to be doing the exact same thing every single day. This is because no workout is perfect! Your body needs a balance of strength training and aerobic exercise. Running on a treadmill is a great aerobic exercise to balance out your weight lifting sessions. So let’s cover the bad and the good about treadmills.

The Bad

Treadmill running can put a lot of stress on your knees. If your knees are bad to begin with, then you might want to consider water aerobics instead. But if your knees are in great shape, then you shouldn’t have any problems with treadmill running.

Using a treadmill also requires a certain amount of balance. If you frequently experience vertigo or are clumsy by nature, then a treadmill might not be your safest choice. I would recommend supervision while using it! However if you have adequate balance, then a treadmill is more likely to help you improve it.

The belt is propelling your legs, so you aren’t working as hard. This means you aren’t burning as many calories, so you’ll have to run longer than outdoor running to get an effective workout.

The Good

Running on a treadmill will tone your legs. All of that hard work makes them make the fat melt right off!

It’s also great for toning your buttocks. Again, it’s all of that movement that makes the body more tone and refined.

The surface of a treadmill is more forgiving than pounding on the asphalt or concrete. Because of this, a treadmill is easier on your joints.

If you live in a scary neighborhood, then running on an indoor treadmill allows you to reap the benefits of running without endangering yourself by leaving the house alone. Being indoors also allows the treadmill to be available in all types of weather.

You can customize your workout by adjusting the incline and speed. Most treadmills also come with programs that help you to push yourself and get a great workout.

The dashboard of the treadmill keeps track of how far you’ve run, now many calories you burned, and the amount of time it took you. This helps you to monitor your progress better.


The treadmill certainly isn’t perfect, but it doesn’t look to shabby either! As long as none of the cons are a problem for you, the treadmill is a great choice. Just remember that at the end of the day, getting up and exercising is what’s most important. Taking care of yourself is the goal here, and any way you can get that done is good.


Alyssa Staheli is a life-long learner and a health and fitness expert. She loves to write and share her knowledge with others. This is because she believes that “knowledge is power” and that with the right information, one can achieve optimum health. You can find Alyssa on Google+.

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About Treadmill Sensei

Treadmill SenseiThe Treadmill Sensei has been in the fitness industry for several years. He is familiar with several brands of fitness equipment and has written several reviews of many different treadmills and elliptical machines. You can see what he thinks are the best treadmills or you can get help choosing a treadmill.

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About My Treadmill Reviews

TreadmillMy treadmill reviews are both subjective and objective. They are objective in the sense that I will provide you with information about each machine, such as motor, weight capacity and other features. But they are subjective in the sense that I am really giving my opinion of each treadmill. You may agree or disagree with my opinion, but my hope is that my elliptical and treadmill reviews can be helpful to you in making a decision on what to buy. Remember that each review is just what I think. You can always check out Treadmill Doctor, Treadmill Review Guru or these other treadmill reviews if you want another opinion.